OMG! It feels like 2 months since the last time I went nail polish shopping. I always like to take a break from buying nail polish because I have A LOT of untried (3 shoe boxes). Now I'm trying to use as many as I can in a manicure or pedicure. I'm would like to go from 573 to 300 or less since my fiance and I are gonna move soon and it will be a lot easier to have less nail polish. I think I'm failing my mission since my last buy was on December (6), November (7) and September (15). Yup I'm failing... #foreverfailing lol. This month I got 5 new ones from Sally Beauty Supply, they have an sale section I like to check out every time I go because they always have great deals.

I really hope to use them all real soon, right now I'm wearing Orly Mirrorball because it was on my wish list and I couldn't wait to try it. I will post some photos and review real soon.
Do you have any of this on your stash or wish list?
Thanks for passing by! See ya next time!
Do you have any of this on your stash or wish list?
Thanks for passing by! See ya next time!
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