Where I been, what I been doing, update!

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Glad to be back!
Last post was on 2014, since then there's few things that happened in the last 2 years.  If you follow me on Instagram or like my Facebook page you can find some information.
First of all, my computer broke back in 2013, that's why I stopped doing YouTube videos and posting on here.  I'm doing everything I can to go back to YouTube, is on my bucket list to keep doing nail tutorials and makeup videos. But without my own computer and equipment it's been really complicated. Right now I'm posting from my phone.

Out of that much hasn't happen, I went to Orlando, FL on Oct 2014 with my fiancé and friends...

Here's some 2014 nails

And some 2014 makeup looks 

In 2015 I got engage, went to Seattle, WA  (for the first time) for 2 weeks! 

Here's some 2015 nails and makeup looks:

I hope you enjoyed this update as much as I do writing about it. Stay tune for more blog post and don't forget to like ladyluckbeautyblog on Facebook.  See you next time! 
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