[Black] French Mani

Hello everyone! Here's an old but good mani I did months ago.  I uses my regular base coat and for the tips I used Blackmail polish - God bless french tips tapes, else i couldn't make such a clean line. Then, I applied my top coat and that's it!  Enjoy the pictures!

Let me know if you would like me to do another french mani but with other colors, what colors would you like? 
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Anonymous said...

I love this look! Great mani!

Cassandra said...

i love french mani with black!!!

WitchHazel said...

I agree with DIY^ Black french tips are hot.. I love 'em! Another color I like to use for tips is hot pink.. would love to see your version of it! ;)

LadyLuck said...

thank u girls! Will try to let my nails grow good enough for a pink french mani :)

beachgal said...

Love to see one of the many amazing brilliant blues that came out this yr - like OPI DS Magic, or something like Orly Stone Cold - anything in that range - and do a French tip with that - or maybe better to do an American manni and if you have a really sheer blue or lavender that is good for a French manni that would be really pretty to see. I like what you did with the Black you used here. I need to try one with tape forms. I always have free-handed mine with the finger flat holding the bush still over the nail, then rolling the finger. I tend to get pretty good results. However have not done French or Am. mannis in a long time. I wore nothing but it seemed in the late 90's into early 2000. I am ready for them again.

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